A Wrap-up to the Competitive Season

April 29, 2024

As the competitive season has come to an end we would like to take a moment to reflect on the amazing season our team had! As a new gym who has only been in the competitive circuit for two seasons we put a huge focus on the enjoyment of the sport and self improvement. We believe gymnastics can be both competitive and fun for athletes! We strive to provide our competitive athletes with a place to grow and learn at their own pace and this season we were amazed at the incredible growth and accomplishments we saw!

We had the pleasure of taking our team to their very first out of state meet and traveled to Biddeford, Maine to compete in the Sweetheart Invitational at Dudziak’s Gymnastics. This was an amazing experience filled with so much laughter and the best award ceremony ever!

We have chosen not to post athletes' scores, names, or placements as we feel that is not what should be focused on but instead we would like to highlight the amazing experiences our athletes had while cheering on their teammates, competing for their personal best scores, and enjoying the moments with family and friends. We would instead like to acknowledge and recognize all the hard work these gymnasts put forth to perform and improve throughout the season. We are all so proud of them!